, le portail francophone de MyBB
[Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Version imprimable

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+-- Forum : Plug-ins et modules pour MyBB (
+--- Forum : Support (
+--- Sujet : [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] (/thread-1612.html)

[Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Trick - 30-04-2009

Voila je voudrais savoir si il existé un plug-in qui permet d'avoir un membre (robot) qui a chaque post vulgaire il intervient par la suite ou a chaque présentation il intervient en disant " bonjour ... "

vous voyez se que je veut dire.
merci de votre aide

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - lechtidu56 - 21-08-2009

Je le cherche aussi :p

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Horace - 10-03-2010

Up ! Je cherche aussi un bots qui dit Bienvenue dans un message données automatiquement.

Un peu comme :

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Horace - 24-03-2010

Up ... !

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - lechtidu56 - 01-04-2010

J'avais déjà demander a Sundark,
et il ma répondu :

Code :
"auto post on join mybb" sur google

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Horace - 03-04-2010

Merci je vais cherché avec c'est mot clé.

J'ai trouvé :
Code :

require_once MYBB_ROOT . "/inc/functions_task.php" ;

if(! defined ( "IN_MYBB" ))
die( "This file cannot be opened directly.  Please access it through your admin control panel." );

$page -> add_breadcrumb_item ( "Forum Bot" , "index.php?module=forum/bot" );

$currentBot = $db -> query ( "SELECT uid,username FROM mybb_users WHERE isBot=1" );

if(! $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'action' ]== "selectBot" )
$sub_tabs [ 'mainMenu' ] = array(
'title' => "Main Menu" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot" ,
'description' => "Teh main menu"
$sub_tabs [ 'selectBot' ] = array(
'title' => "Select Bot" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;action=selectBot" ,
'description' => "Select a user to use as a bot.  Please note that the user MUST be in the bot usergroup to be accessible as a bot."
$sub_tabs [ 'scheduleTask' ] = array(
'title' => "Schedule a Post" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;action=postSchedule" ,
'description' => "Schedule or batch schedule posts for the bot to post in the future.  HTML, Javascript, PHP is allowed."

if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "postSchedule" ){


if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "selectBot" )
$page -> output_header ( "Select a bot" );
$page -> output_nav_tabs ( $sub_tabs , 'selectBot' );

$query = $db -> query ( "SELECT username,uid FROM mybb_users WHERE usergroup=14" );

$form_container = new FormContainer ( "Select a user to set as bot." );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( "User" );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( "Choose as bot?" , array( "class" => "align_center" , 'width' => '100px' ));

while( $array = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))

$form_container -> output_cell ( $array [ 'username' ], array( "class" => "align_left" ));

$form_container -> output_cell ( "<a href=\"index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;botChosen=" . $array [ 'uid' ]. "\">USE</a>" , array( "class" => "align_center" ));
$form_container -> construct_row ();

if( $form_container -> num_rows () == 0 )
$form_container -> output_cell ( "There are no users in the bot usergroup.  Sorry!" , array( 'colspan' => 2 ));
$form_container -> construct_row ();

$form_container -> end ();

//$buttons = array();
//$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button($lang->update_groups_order);


/*echo "<br />
<img src="styles/default/images/icons/custom.gif" alt="{$lang->custom_user_group}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->custom_user_group}<br />
<img src="styles/default/images/icons/default.gif" alt="{$lang->default_user_group}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->default_user_group}

$page -> output_footer ();
if( $mybb -> input [ 'botChosen' ]){
$db -> query ( "UPDATE mybb_users SET isBot=0" );
$db -> query ( "UPDATE mybb_users SET isBot=1 WHERE uid=" . $mybb -> input [ 'botChosen' ]);

flash_message ( "User succesfully chosen as bot!" , "success" );
admin_redirect ( "index.php?module=forum/bot" );

if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "do_newthread" && $mybb -> request_method == "post" )
// Verify incoming POST request
verify_post_check ( $mybb -> input [ 'my_post_key' ]);

$username = $currentBot [ 'username' ];
$uid = 173 ; //$currentBot['uid'];
$moveto = intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'moveto' ]);

// Attempt to see if this post is a duplicate or not
if( $uid > 0 )
$user_check = "p.uid='{$uid}'" ;
$user_check = "p.ipaddress='" . $db -> escape_string ( $session -> ipaddress ). "'" ;
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'savedraft' ] && ! $pid )
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "posts p" , "" , "$user_check AND p.fid='{$forum['fid']}' AND p.subject='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]). "' AND p.message='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]). "' AND p.posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]). "'" );
$duplicate_check = $db -> fetch_field ( $query , "pid" );
if( $duplicate_check )
error ( $lang -> error_post_already_submitted );

// Set up posthandler.
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php" ;
$posthandler = new PostDataHandler ( "insert" );
$posthandler -> action = "thread" ;

// Set the thread data that came from the input to the $thread array.
$new_thread = array(
"fid" => $moveto ,
"subject" => $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ],
"icon" => $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ],
"uid" => $uid ,
"username" => $username ,
"message" => $mybb -> input [ 'message' ],
"ipaddress" => get_ip (),
"posthash" => $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]

if( $pid != '' )
$new_thread [ 'pid' ] = $pid ;

// Are we saving a draft thread?
if( $mybb -> input [ 'savedraft' ] && $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
$new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] = 1 ;
$new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] = 0 ;

// Is this thread already a draft and we're updating it?
if(isset( $thread [ 'tid' ]) && $thread [ 'visible' ] == - 2 )
$new_thread [ 'tid' ] = $thread [ 'tid' ];

// Set up the thread options from the input.
$new_thread [ 'options' ] = array(
"signature" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'signature' ],
"subscriptionmethod" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'subscriptionmethod' ],
"disablesmilies" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'disablesmilies' ]

// Apply moderation options if we have them
$new_thread [ 'modoptions' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'modoptions' ];

$posthandler -> set_data ( $new_thread );

// Now let the post handler do all the hard work.
$valid_thread = $posthandler -> validate_thread ();

$post_errors = array();
// Fetch friendly error messages if this is an invalid thread
if(! $valid_thread )
$post_errors = $posthandler -> get_friendly_errors ();

// Check captcha image
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'captchaimage' ] == 1 && function_exists ( "imagepng" ) && ! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
$imagehash = $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'imagehash' ]);
$imagestring = $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'imagestring' ]);
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "captcha" , "*" , "imagehash='$imagehash'" );
$imgcheck = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if( my_strtolower ( $imgcheck [ 'imagestring' ]) != my_strtolower ( $imagestring ) || ! $imgcheck [ 'imagehash' ])
$post_errors [] = $lang -> invalid_captcha ;
$db -> delete_query ( "captcha" , "imagehash='$imagehash'" );
$hide_captcha = true ;

// One or more errors returned, fetch error list and throw to newthread page
if( count ( $post_errors ) > 0 )
$thread_errors = inline_error ( $post_errors );
print_r ( $thread_errors );
//$mybb->input['action'] = "newthread";
// No errors were found, it is safe to insert the thread.
$thread_info = $posthandler -> insert_thread ();
$tid = $thread_info [ 'tid' ];
$visible = $thread_info [ 'visible' ];

// Mark thread as read
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_indicators.php" ;
mark_thread_read ( $tid , $fid );

// We were updating a draft thread, send them back to the draft listing.
if( $new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] == 1 )
$lang -> redirect_newthread = $lang -> draft_saved ;
$url = "usercp.php?action=drafts" ;

// A poll was being posted with this thread, throw them to poll posting page.
else if( $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ] && $forumpermissions [ 'canpostpolls' ])
$url = "polls.php?action=newpoll&tid=$tid&polloptions=" . intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'numpolloptions' ]);
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_poll ;

// This thread is stuck in the moderation queue, send them back to the forum.
else if(! $visible )
// Moderated thread
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_moderation ;
$url = get_forum_link ( $fid );

// This is just a normal thread - send them to it.
// Visible thread
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_thread ;
$url = get_thread_link ( $tid );

// Mark any quoted posts so they're no longer selected - attempts to maintain those which weren't selected
if( $mybb -> input [ 'quoted_ids' ] && $mybb -> cookies [ 'multiquote' ] && $mybb -> settings [ 'multiquote' ] != 0 )
// We quoted all posts - remove the entire cookie
if( $mybb -> input [ 'quoted_ids' ] == "all" )
my_unsetcookie ( "multiquote" );

$plugins -> run_hooks ( "newthread_do_newthread_end" );

// Hop to it! Send them to the next page.
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ])
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> redirect_return_forum , get_forum_link ( $fid ));
redirect ( $url , $lang -> redirect_newthread );

if(! $mybb -> input [ 'action' ])
$forumselect = build_forum_jump ( "" , '' , 1 , '' , 0 , true , '' , "moveto" );

$page -> output_header ( "Create a post or thread w/ the bot" );
$page -> output_nav_tabs ( $sub_tabs , 'mainMenu' );

$form_container = new FormContainer ( $lang -> user_groups );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( $lang -> group );

$query = $db -> simple_select ( "usergroups" , "*" , "" , array( 'order_by' => 'disporder' ));

$form_container -> output_cell ( "Please use the form below to create a post for the bot.  Please note that the bot CAN post in HTML, Javascript, and PHP.  Do not intentionally use this in a way that it is bad for the user.  Your staff membership will be revoked if you do." );
$form_container -> construct_row ();

$form_container -> end ();

// Check the various post options if we're
// a -> previewing a post
// b -> removing an attachment
// c -> adding a new attachment
// d -> have errors from posting

if( $mybb -> input [ 'previewpost' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'attachmentaid' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'newattachment' ] || $thread_errors )
$postoptions = $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ];
if( $postoptions [ 'signature' ] == 1 )
$postoptionschecked [ 'signature' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $postoptions [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == "none" )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
else if( $postoptions [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == "instant" )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_instant = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $postoptions [ 'disablesmilies' ] == 1 )
$postoptionschecked [ 'disablesmilies' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ] == 1 )
$postpollchecked = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$numpolloptions = intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'numpolloptions' ]);
// Otherwise, this is our initial visit to this page.
if( $mybb -> user [ 'signature' ] != '' )
$postoptionschecked [ 'signature' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $mybb -> user [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == 1 )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
else if( $mybb -> user [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == 2 )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_instant = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$numpolloptions = "2" ;

// If we're preving a post then generate the preview.
if( $mybb -> input [ 'previewpost' ])
// Set up posthandler.
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php" ;
$posthandler = new PostDataHandler ( "insert" );
$posthandler -> action = "thread" ;

// Set the thread data that came from the input to the $thread array.
$new_thread = array(
"fid" => moveto ,
"subject" => $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ],
"icon" => $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ],
"uid" => $uid ,
"username" => $username ,
"message" => $mybb -> input [ 'message' ],
"ipaddress" => get_ip (),
"posthash" => $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]

if( $pid != '' )
$new_thread [ 'pid' ] = $pid ;

$posthandler -> set_data ( $new_thread );

// Now let the post handler do all the hard work.
$valid_thread = $posthandler -> verify_message ();
$valid_subject = $posthandler -> verify_subject ();

$post_errors = array();
// Fetch friendly error messages if this is an invalid post
if(! $valid_thread || ! $valid_subject )
$post_errors = $posthandler -> get_friendly_errors ();

// One or more errors returned, fetch error list and throw to newreply page
if( count ( $post_errors ) > 0 )
$thread_errors = inline_error ( $post_errors );
$query = $db -> query ( "
SELECT u.*, f.*
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid)
WHERE u.uid='" . $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. "'
" );
$post = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if(! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ] || ! $post [ 'username' ])
$post [ 'username' ] = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'username' ]);
$post [ 'userusername' ] = $mybb -> user [ 'username' ];
$post [ 'username' ] = $mybb -> user [ 'username' ];
$previewmessage = $mybb -> input [ 'message' ];
$post [ 'message' ] = $previewmessage ;
$post [ 'subject' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ];
$post [ 'icon' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ];
$post [ 'smilieoff' ] = $postoptions [ 'disablesmilies' ];
$post [ 'dateline' ] = TIME_NOW ;
$post [ 'includesig' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'signature' ];
if( $post [ 'includesig' ] != 1 )
$post [ 'includesig' ] = 0 ;

// Fetch attachments assigned to this post
if( $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ])
$attachwhere = "pid='" . intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ]). "'" ;
$attachwhere = "posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]). "'" ;

$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "*" , $attachwhere );
while( $attachment = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))
$attachcache [ 0 ][ $attachment [ 'aid' ]] = $attachment ;

$postbit = build_postbit ( $post , 1 );
eval( "\$preview = \"" . $templates -> get ( "previewpost" ). "\";" );
$message = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]);
$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]);

// Removing an attachment or adding a new one, or showing thread errors.
else if( $mybb -> input [ 'attachmentaid' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'newattachment' ] || $thread_errors )
$message = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]);
$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]);

// Setup a unique posthash for attachment management
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ] && $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] != "editdraft" )
mt_srand ((double) microtime () * 1000000 );
$posthash = md5 ( $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. mt_rand ());
$posthash = htmlspecialchars ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]);

// Can we disable smilies or are they disabled already?
if( $forum [ 'allowsmilies' ] != 0 )
eval( "\$disablesmilies = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newthread_disablesmilies" ). "\";" );
$disablesmilies = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"postoptions[disablesmilies]\" value=\"no\" />" ;

$modoptions = $mybb -> input [ 'modoptions' ];
if( $modoptions [ 'closethread' ] == 1 )
$closecheck = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$closecheck = '' ;
if( $modoptions [ 'stickthread' ] == 1 )
$stickycheck = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$stickycheck = '' ;
unset( $modoptions );
eval( "\$modoptions = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newreply_modoptions" ). "\";" );
$bgcolor = "trow1" ;
$bgcolor2 = "trow2" ;

if( $forumpermissions [ 'canpostattachments' ] != 0 )
{ // Get a listing of the current attachments, if there are any
$attachcount = 0 ;
if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "editdraft" || ( $mybb -> input [ 'tid' ] && $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ]))
$attachwhere = "pid='$pid'" ;
$attachwhere = "posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $posthash ). "'" ;
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "*" , $attachwhere );
$attachments = '' ;
while( $attachment = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))
$attachment [ 'size' ] = get_friendly_size ( $attachment [ 'filesize' ]);
$attachment [ 'icon' ] = get_attachment_icon ( get_extension ( $attachment [ 'filename' ]));
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'bbcodeinserter' ] != 0 && $forum [ 'allowmycode' ] != 0 && (! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ] || $mybb -> user [ 'showcodebuttons' ] != 0 ))
eval( "\$postinsert = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment_postinsert" ). "\";" );
$attach_mod_options = '' ;
if( $attachment [ 'visible' ] != 1 )
eval( "\$attachments .= \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment_unapproved" ). "\";" );
eval( "\$attachments .= \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment" ). "\";" );
$attachcount ++;
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "SUM(filesize) AS ausage" , "uid='" . $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. "'" );
$usage = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if( $usage [ 'ausage' ] > ( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ]* 1024 ) && $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ] != 0 )
$noshowattach = 1 ;
if( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ] == 0 )
$friendlyquota = $lang -> unlimited ;
$friendlyquota = get_friendly_size ( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ]* 1024 );
$friendlyusage = get_friendly_size ( $usage [ 'ausage' ]);
$lang -> attach_quota = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> attach_quota , $friendlyusage , $friendlyquota );
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ] == 0 || ( $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ] != 0 && $attachcount < $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ]) && ! $noshowattach )
eval( "\$newattach = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_new" ). "\";" );
eval( "\$attachbox = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments" ). "\";" );

$bgcolor = alt_trow ();

if( $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
eval( "\$savedraftbutton = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_savedraftbutton" , 1 , 0 ). "\";" );
$lang -> max_options = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> max_options , $mybb -> settings [ 'maxpolloptions' ]);
eval( "\$pollbox = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newthread_postpoll" ). "\";" );

$forum [ 'name' ] = strip_tags ( $forum [ 'name' ]);
$lang -> newthread_in = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> newthread_in , $forum [ 'name' ]);

/*Page HTML*/
$posticons = get_post_icons ();
$codebuttons = build_mycode_inserter ();

$pageHTML = "
<form action=\"index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;do_newthread\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"input\">
Please select a forum to post in:  {$forumselect}<br /><br />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"my_post_key\" value=\"{$mybb->post_code}\" />
<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"{$theme['borderwidth']}\" cellpadding=\"{$theme['tablespace']}\" class=\"tborder\">
<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"2\"><strong>Create a new thread:</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" width=\"20%\"><strong>Thread Subject</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"subject\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"85\" value=\"{$subject}\" tabindex=\"1\" /></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" valign=\"top\"><strong>Message Body</strong>{$smilieinserter}</td>
<td class=\"trow2\">
<textarea name=\"message\" id=\"message\" rows=\"20\" cols=\"70\" tabindex=\"2\">{$message}</textarea>
<td class=\"trow1\" valign=\"top\"><strong>Post Options:</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow1\"><span class=\"smalltext\">
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postoptions[signature]\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"7\"{$postoptionschecked['signature']} /> Include Signature</label>
<br />
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postoptions[disablesmilies]\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"9\"{$postoptionschecked['disablesmilies']} /> Disable Smilies</label></span></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" valign=\"top\"><strong>{$lang->mod_options}</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\"><span class=\"smalltext\">
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[closethread]\" value=\"1\"{$closecheck} /> Close Thread<sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></label><br />
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"1\"{$stickycheck} /> Stick Thread<sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></sup></label>
<td class=\"{$bgcolor2}\" valign=\"top\">
<strong>{$lang->poll}</strong><br /><span class=\"smalltext\">{$lang->poll_desc}</span>
<td class=\"{$bgcolor2}\" valign=\"top\">
<span class=\"smalltext\"><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postpoll\" value=\"1\" {$postpollchecked} /><strong>Post Poll</strong><sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></label><br />
Number of Options: <input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"numpolloptions\" value=\"{$numpolloptions}\" size=\"10\" /> Max Options</span>
<br />
<br />
<sup><a name=\"1\">1</a> - Pressently, this function of the bot doesn't work.
<div style=\"text-align:center\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Post Thread\" tabindex=\"4\" accesskey=\"s\" /></div>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"do_newthread\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"posthash\" value=\"{$posthash}\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attachmentaid\" value=\"\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attachmentact\" value=\"\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"quoted_ids\" value=\"{$quoted_ids}\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tid\" value=\"{$tid}\" />
</form>" ;

output_page ( $pageHTML );

$page -> output_footer ();

Mais je le met ou ? Dans un fichier .php, puis dans l'emplacement des plugins ?

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - Horace - 06-04-2010

UP ! Marche pas !

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'isBot' in 'where clause'
SELECT uid,username FROM mybb_users WHERE isBot=1

RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - anima-webms - 08-04-2010

Désoler de te dire sa,

Mais ce plugin à étais retirés car il buger beaucoup trop.



RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in] - lechtidu56 - 26-08-2010

Quelqu'un connait-il ce plugin ?

 Utilitaire de traduction fourni par Regentronique