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[En] [Plugin] Default Editor - Version imprimable

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[En] [Plugin] Default Editor - Edson Ordaz - 02-03-2011

Author: Edson Ordaz
Submitted: 21st December 2010
Hello good friends here I bring this plugin I hope you like first of all ..

This plugin does the same thing but a user InsertMessage yesterday morning and told me that if you put different messages by default? osea a different one for each forum?

And so for this I bring this plugin like to thank Santiago iso I get a small explanation of the styles (the best deal for the forums xD) ..

Well that makes DefaultEditor? What it does is that when activated create a field and table as they call in forums and messages to and you will see that says we click Default Editor and appear a table with 4 columns and down will all their forums!

in the first column will leave the name of your forums, the second title in the third message default default and edit the last word!
forum we want to put a title and / or message default when creating a topic click the edit word and we will put a text field where you enter the title and will enter a textarea where we have written the message when we click on save and the data will be then captured by going to that forum and click on create issue will come out the data in the default editor!

This plugin is 100% created by me and written from scratch (for those of you not numb as it has a plugin LaBrocca almost similar but not given the option of title)

[Image: 25549-1292948727-1.png]

[Image: 25549-1292948738-2.png]

[Image: 25549-1292948754-3.png]

[Image: 25549-1292948769-4.png]



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