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Problème DVZ shoutbox - Version imprimable

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Problème DVZ shoutbox - ThisCraft - 06-08-2015

VERSION_MyBB : 1.8.5
Bonjour, je suis fondateur d'un forum mybb et j'ai un problème que beaucoup de personne a, lorsque j'installe DVZ shoutbox, dans les plugin il m'affiche :
Citation :Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 5
Le fichier en question est en pièce jointe, merci de m'aidé

RE: Problème DVZ shoutbox - ThisCraft - 06-08-2015

Citation :<?php
/* by Tomasz 'Devilshakerz' Mlynski []; Copyright © 2014-2015
released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license: */

$plugins->add_hook('global_start', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'global_start']); // cache shoutbox templates
$plugins->add_hook('global_end', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'global_end']); // catch archive page
$plugins->add_hook('xmlhttp', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'xmlhttp']); // xmlhttp.php listening
$plugins->add_hook('index_end', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'load_window']); // load Shoutbox window to {$dvz_shoutbox} variable

$plugins->add_hook('admin_user_users_merge_commit', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'user_merge']);

$plugins->add_hook('fetch_wol_activity_end', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'activity']); // catch activity
$plugins->add_hook('build_friendly_wol_location_end', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'activity_translate']); // translate activity

$plugins->add_hook('misc_clearcookies', ['dvz_shoutbox', 'clearcookies']);

function dvz_shoutbox_info ()
return [
'name' => 'DVZ Shoutbox',
'description' => 'Lightweight AJAX chat.',
'website' => '',
'author' => 'Tomasz \'Devilshakerz\' Mlynski',
'authorsite' => '',
'version' => '2.2',
'codename' => 'dvz_shoutbox',
'compatibility' => '18*',

function dvz_shoutbox_install ()
global $db;

// table
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`uid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`text` text NULL,
`date` int(11) NOT NULL,
`modified` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ipaddress` varbinary(16) NOT NULL,
) ENGINE=InnoDB " . $db->build_create_table_collation() . "

// example shout
$db->insert_query('dvz_shoutbox', [
'uid' => 1,
'text' => 'DVZ Shoutbox!',
'date' => TIME_NOW,
'ipaddress' => my_inet_pton(''),

// settings
$settingGroupId = $db->insert_query('settinggroups', [
'name' => 'dvz_shoutbox',
'title' => 'DVZ Shoutbox',
'description' => 'Settings for DVZ Shoutbox.',

$settings = [
'name' => 'dvz_sb_num',
'title' => 'Shouts to display',
'description' => 'Number of shouts to be displayed in the Shoutbox window.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '20',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_num_archive',
'title' => 'Shouts to display on archive',
'description' => 'Number of shouts to be displayed per page on Archive view.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '20',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_reversed',
'title' => 'Reversed order',
'description' => 'Reverses the shouts display order in the Shoutbox window so that new ones appear on the bottom. You may also want to move the <b>{$panel}</b> variable below the window in the <i>dvz_shoutbox</i> template.',
'optionscode' => 'yesno',
'value' => '0',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_height',
'title' => 'Shoutbox height',
'description' => 'Height of the Shoutbox window in pixels.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '160',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_dateformat',
'title' => 'Date format',
'description' => 'Format of the date displayed. This format uses the PHP\'s <a href="">date() function syntax</a>.',
'optionscode' => 'text',
'value' => 'd M H:i',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_maxlength',
'title' => 'Maximum message length',
'description' => 'Set 0 to disable the limit.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '0',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_mycode',
'title' => 'Parse MyCode',
'description' => '',
'optionscode' => 'yesno',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_smilies',
'title' => 'Parse smilies',
'description' => '',
'optionscode' => 'yesno',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_interval',
'title' => 'Refresh interval',
'description' => 'Number of seconds between Shoutbox updates (lower values provide better synchronization but cause higher server load). Set 0 to disable the auto-refreshing feature.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '5',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_away',
'title' => 'Away mode',
'description' => 'Number of seconds after last user action (e.g. click) after which shoutbox will be minimized to prevent unnecessary usage of server resources. Set 0 to disable this feature.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '600',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_antiflood',
'title' => 'Anti-flood interval',
'description' => 'Forces a minimum number of seconds to last between user\'s shouts (this does not apply to Shoutbox moderators).',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '5',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_sync',
'title' => 'Moderation synchronization',
'description' => 'Applies moderation actions without refreshing the Shoutbox window page.',
'optionscode' => 'onoff',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_lazyload',
'title' => 'Lazy load',
'description' => 'Start loading data only when the Shoutbox window is actually being displayed on the screen (the page is scrolled to the Shoutbox position).',
'optionscode' => 'select
start=Check if on display to start
always=Always check if on display to refresh',
'value' => 'off',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_status',
'title' => 'Shoutbox default status',
'description' => 'Choose whether Shoutbox window should be expanded or collapsed by default.',
'optionscode' => 'onoff',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_minposts',
'title' => 'Minimum posts required to shout',
'description' => 'Set 0 to allow everyone.',
'optionscode' => 'numeric',
'value' => '0',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_view',
'title' => 'Group permissions: View',
'description' => 'User groups that can view Shoutbox.',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '-1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_refresh',
'title' => 'Group permissions: Auto-refresh',
'description' => 'User groups that shoutbox will be refreshing for.',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '-1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_shout',
'title' => 'Group permissions: Shout',
'description' => 'User groups that can post shouts in Shoutbox (logged in users only).',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '-1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_recall',
'title' => 'Group permissions: Scroll back to show past shouts',
'description' => 'User groups that shoutbox will load previous posts when scrolling back for.',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '-1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_mod',
'title' => 'Group permissions: Moderation',
'description' => 'User groups that can moderate the Shoutbox (edit and delete shouts).',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_groups_mod_own',
'title' => 'Group permissions: Moderation of own shouts',
'description' => 'Users groups whose members can edit and delete their own shouts.',
'optionscode' => 'groupselect',
'value' => '',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_supermods',
'title' => 'Super moderators are Shoutbox moderators',
'description' => 'Automatically allow forum super moderators to moderate Shoutbox as well.',
'optionscode' => 'yesno',
'value' => '1',
'name' => 'dvz_sb_blocked_users',
'title' => 'Banned users',
'description' => 'Comma-separated list of user IDs that are banned from posting messages.',
'optionscode' => 'textarea',
'value' => '',

$i = 1;

foreach ($settings as &$row) {
$row['gid'] = $settingGroupId;
$row['title'] = $db->escape_string($row['title']);
$row['description'] = $db->escape_string($row['description']);
$row['disporder'] = $i++;

$db->insert_query_multiple('settings', $settings);


// templates
$templates = [
'dvz_shoutbox_panel' => '<div class="panel">
<input type="text" class="text" placeholder="{$lang->dvz_sb_default}" maxlength="{$maxlength}" autocomplete="off" />
<input type="submit" style="display:none" />

'dvz_shoutbox' => '<div id="shoutbox" class="front{$classes}">

<div class="head">
<p class="right"><a href="{$mybb->settings[\'bburl\']}/index.php?action=shoutbox_archive">&laquo; {$lang->dvz_sb_archivelink}</a></p>

<div class="body">


<div class="window" style="height:{$mybb->settings[\'dvz_sb_height\']}px">
<div class="data">


<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->settings[\'bburl\']}/jscripts/dvz_shoutbox.js"></script>


'dvz_shoutbox_archive' => '<html>

<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->settings[\'bburl\']}/jscripts/dvz_shoutbox.js"></script>



<br />

<div id="shoutbox">

<div class="head"><strong>{$lang->dvz_sb_archive}</strong></div>

<div class="data">

<br />



'dvz_shoutbox_archive_modoptions' => '<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<tr><td class="thead" colspan="2"><strong>{$lang->dvz_sb_mod}</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td class="tcat">{$lang->dvz_sb_mod_banlist}</td><td class="tcat">{$lang->dvz_sb_mod_clear}</td></tr>
<td class="trow1">
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" class="textbox" style="width:80%" name="banlist" value="{$blocked_users}"></textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="postkey" value="{$mybb->post_code}" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="{$lang->dvz_sb_mod_banlist_button}" />
<td class="trow1">
<form action="" method="post">
<select name="days">
<option value="2">2 {$lang->days}</option>
<option value="7">7 {$lang->days}</option>
<option value="30">30 {$lang->days}</option>
<option value="90">90 {$lang->days}</option>
<option value="all">* {$lang->dvz_sb_mod_clear_all} *</option>
<input type="hidden" name="postkey" value="{$mybb->post_code}" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="{$lang->dvz_sb_mod_clear_button}" />
<br />',

$data = [];

foreach ($templates as $name => $content) {
$data[] = [
'title' => $name,
'template' => $db->escape_string($content),
'sid' => -1,
'version' => 1,
'status' => '',
'dateline' => TIME_NOW,

$db->insert_query_multiple('templates', $data);

function dvz_shoutbox_uninstall ()
global $db;

$settingGroupId = $db->fetch_field(
$db->simple_select('settinggroups', 'gid', "name='dvz_shoutbox'"),

// delete settings
$db->delete_query('settinggroups', 'gid=' . $settingGroupId);
$db->delete_query('settings', 'gid=' . $settingGroupId);


// delete templates
$db->delete_query('templates', "title IN('dvz_shoutbox', 'dvz_shoutbox_panel', 'dvz_shoutbox_archive', 'dvz_shoutbox_archive_modoptions')");

// delete data

function dvz_shoutbox_is_installed ()
global $mybb;
return $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num'] !== null;

class dvz_shoutbox

// hooks
static function global_start ()
global $mybb, $templatelist;

if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index.php' && self::access_view()) {

if (!empty($templatelist)) {
$templatelist .= ',';

if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'shoutbox_archive') {
// archive templates

$templatelist .= 'dvz_shoutbox_archive,multipage,multipage_page,multipage_page_current,multipage_​nextpage';

if (self::access_mod()) {
$templatelist .= ',dvz_shoutbox_archive_modoptions';

} else {
// index templates
$templatelist .= 'dvz_shoutbox,dvz_shoutbox_panel';


static function global_end ()
global $mybb;

if ($mybb->input['action'] == 'shoutbox_archive' && self::access_view()) {
return self::show_archive();

static function xmlhttp ()
global $mybb, $db, $charset;

switch ($mybb->input['action']) {

case 'dvz_sb_get_updates':

$permissions = (
self::access_view() &&

$handler = function() use ($mybb, $db) {

$syncConditions = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_sync']
? "OR s.modified >= " . (time() - $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_interval']) . " AND BETWEEN " . abs((int)$mybb->input['first']) . " AND " . abs((int)$mybb->input['last'])
: null

$data = self::get_multiple("WHERE > " . abs((int)$mybb->input['last']) . " AND s.text IS NOT NULL " . $syncConditions . " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT " . abs((int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num']));

$html = null; // JS-handled empty response
$sync = [];
$lastId = 0;

while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {

if ($row['id'] <= $mybb->input['last']) {
// sync update

$sync[ $row['id'] ] = $row['text'] === null
? null
: self::parse($row['text'], $row['username'])

} else {
// new shout

if ($lastId == 0) {
$lastId = $row['id'];

$shout = self::render_shout($row);

$html = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_reversed']
? $shout . $html
: $html . $shout



if ($html != null || !empty($sync)) {

$response = [];

if ($html != null) {
$response['html'] = $html;
$response['last'] = $lastId;

if (!empty($sync)) {
$response['sync'] = $sync;

echo json_encode($response);



case 'dvz_sb_recall':

$permissions = (
self::access_view() &&
self::access_refresh() &&

$handler = function() use ($mybb, $db) {

$data = self::get_multiple("WHERE < " . abs((int)$mybb->input['first']) . " ORDER BY DESC LIMIT " . abs((int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num']));

$response = [];

$html = null; // JS-handled empty response
$firstId = 0;

while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {

$firstId = $row['id'];

$shout = self::render_shout($row);

$html = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_reversed']
? $shout . $html
: $html . $shout

if ($html != null) {
$response['html'] = $html;

if ($db->num_rows($data) < $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num']) {
$response['end'] = 1;

if ($response) {
$response['first'] = $firstId;

echo json_encode($response);



case 'dvz_sb_shout':

$permissions = (
self::access_shout() &&
verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true)

$handler = function() use ($mybb) {
if (!self::antiflood_pass() && !self::access_mod()) die('A'); // JS-handled error (Anti-flood)

'uid' => $mybb->user['uid'],
'text' => $mybb->input['text'],
'ipaddress' => my_inet_pton(get_ip()),


case 'dvz_sb_get':

$data = self::get($mybb->input['id']);

$permissions = (
self::access_mod() ||
(self::access_mod_own() && $data['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'])
) &&
verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true)

$handler = function() use ($data) {
echo json_encode([
'text' => $data['text'],


case 'dvz_sb_update':

$permissions = (
self::can_mod($mybb->input['id']) &&
verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true)

$handler = function() use ($mybb) {
self::update($mybb->input['id'], $mybb->input['text']);
echo self::parse($mybb->input['text'], self::get_username($mybb->input['id']));



case 'dvz_sb_delete':

$permissions = (
self::can_mod($mybb->input['id']) &&
verify_post_check($mybb->input['key'], true)

$handler = function() use ($mybb) {



if (isset($permissions)) {

if ($permissions == false) {
echo 'P'; // JS-handled error (Permissions)
} else {

header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=' . $charset);
header('Cache-Control: no-store'); // force update on load



static function load_window ()
global $templates, $dvz_shoutbox, $lang, $mybb, $db, $theme;


// MyBB template
$dvz_shoutbox = null;

// dvz_shoutbox template
$javascript = null;
$panel = null;
$classes = null;

if (self::access_view()) {

if (self::is_user()) {

// message: blocked
if (self::is_blocked()) {
$panel = '<div class="panel blocked"><p>' . $lang->dvz_sb_user_blocked . '</p></div>';
// message: minimum posts
else if (!self::access_minposts() && !self::access_mod()) {
$panel = '<div class="panel minposts"><p>' . str_replace('{MINPOSTS}', (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_minposts'], $lang->dvz_sb_minposts) . '</p></div>';
// shout form
else if (self::access_shout()) {
$maxlength = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_maxlength'] ? (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_maxlength'] : null;
eval('$panel = "' . $templates->get('dvz_shoutbox_panel') . '";');


$js = null;

// configuration
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.interval = ' . (self::access_refresh() ? (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_interval'] : 0) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.antiflood = ' . (self::access_mod() ? 0 : (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_antiflood']) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.maxShouts = ' . (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.awayTime = ' . (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_away'] . '*1000;' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.lang = [\'' . $lang->dvz_sb_delete_confirm . '\', \'' . str_replace('{ANTIFLOOD}', (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_antiflood'], $lang->dvz_sb_antiflood) . '\', \''.$lang->dvz_sb_permissions.'\'];' . PHP_EOL;

// reversed order
if ($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_reversed']) {
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.reversed = true;' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= '$(\'#shoutbox .window\').scrollTop( $(\'#shoutbox .window\')[0].scrollHeight );' . PHP_EOL;

// lazyload
if ($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_lazyload']) {
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.lazyMode = \'' . (int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_lazyload'] . '\';' . PHP_EOL;
$js .= '$(window).bind(\'scroll resize\', dvz_shoutbox.checkVisibility);' . PHP_EOL;

// away mode
if ($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_away']) {
$js .= '$(window).on(\'mousemove click dblclick keydown scroll\', dvz_shoutbox.updateActivity);' . PHP_EOL;

// shoutbox status
$status = isset($_COOKIE['dvz_sb_status'])
? (bool)$_COOKIE['dvz_sb_status']
: (bool)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_status']

$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.status = ' . (int)$status . ';' . PHP_EOL;

if ($status == false) {
$classes .= ' collapsed';

// preloaded shouts
$data = self::get_multiple("WHERE s.text IS NOT NULL ORDER BY DESC LIMIT " . abs((int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num']));

$html = null;
$firstId = 0;
$lastId = 0;

while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {

$firstId = $row['id'];

if ($lastId == 0) {
$lastId = $row['id'];

$shout = self::render_shout($row);

$html = $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_reversed']
? $shout . $html
: $html . $shout

if (self::access_refresh()) {
$js .= 'setTimeout(\'dvz_shoutbox.loop()\', ' . (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_interval'] . ' * 1000);' . PHP_EOL;

if (self::access_recall()) {
$js .= 'dvz_shoutbox.recalling = true;' . PHP_EOL;

$javascript = '
' . $js . '
dvz_shoutbox.firstId = ' . $firstId . ';
dvz_shoutbox.lastId = ' . $lastId . ';

eval('$dvz_shoutbox = "' . $templates->get('dvz_shoutbox') . '";');


static function show_archive ()
global $db, $mybb, $templates, $lang, $theme, $footer, $headerinclude, $header, $charset;


header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $charset);

add_breadcrumb($lang->dvz_sb_shoutbox, "index.php?action=shoutbox_archive");

// moderation panel
if (self::access_mod()) {

if (isset($mybb->input['banlist']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['postkey'])) {

if (isset($mybb->input['days']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['postkey'])) {
if ($mybb->input['days'] == 'all') {
} else {
$allowed = [2, 7, 30, 90];
if (in_array($mybb->input['days'], $allowed)) {

$blocked_users = htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_blocked_users']);
eval('$modoptions = "' . $templates->get("dvz_shoutbox_archive_modoptions") . '";');

} else {
$modoptions = null;

// pagination
$items = self::count();
$page = abs((int)$mybb->input['page']);
$perPage = abs((int)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_num_archive']);

if ($perPage == 0) {
$pages = 0;
} else {
$pages = ceil($items / $perPage);

if (!$page || $page < 1 || $page > $pages) $page = 1;

$start = ($page - 1) * $perPage;

if ($items > $perPage) {
$multipage = multipage($items, $perPage, $page, 'index.php?action=shoutbox_archive');

$data = self::get_multiple("WHERE s.text IS NOT NULL ORDER by DESC LIMIT $start,$perPage");

$archive = null;

while ($row = $db->fetch_array($data)) {
$archive .= self::render_shout($row, true);

$javascript = '
dvz_shoutbox.lang = [\'' . $lang->dvz_sb_delete_confirm . '\', \'' . str_replace('{ANTIFLOOD}', (float)$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_antiflood'], $lang->dvz_sb_antiflood) . '\', \'' . $lang->dvz_sb_permissions . '\'];

eval('$content = "' . $templates->get("dvz_shoutbox_archive") . '";');



static function user_merge ()
global $db, $source_user, $destination_user;
return $db->update_query('dvz_shoutbox', ['uid' => $destination_user['uid']], 'uid=' . (int)$source_user['uid']);

static function activity (&$user_activity)
$location = parse_url($user_activity['location']);
$filename = basename($location['path']);

parse_str(html_entity_decode($location['query']), $parameters);

if ($filename == 'index.php' && $parameters['action'] == 'shoutbox_archive') {
$user_activity['activity'] = 'dvz_shoutbox_archive';

static function activity_translate (&$data)
global $lang;


if ($data['user_activity']['activity'] == 'dvz_shoutbox_archive') {
$data['location_name'] = sprintf($lang->dvz_sb_activity, 'index.php?action=shoutbox_archive');

static function clearcookies ()
global $remove_cookies;
$remove_cookies[] = 'dvz_sb_status';

// data manipulation
static function get ($id)
global $db;
return $db->fetch_array( $db->simple_select('dvz_shoutbox', '*', 'id=' . (int)$id) );

static function get_multiple ($clauses)
global $db;
return $db->query("
s.*, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.avatar
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "dvz_shoutbox s
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u ON u.uid = s.uid
" . $clauses . "

static function get_username ($id)
global $db;
return $db->fetch_field(
$db->query("SELECT username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dvz_shoutbox s WHERE u.uid=s.uid AND" . (int)$id),

static function user_last_shout_time ($uid)
global $db;
return $db->fetch_field(
$db->simple_select('dvz_shoutbox', 'date', 'uid=' . (int)$uid, [
'order_by' => 'date',
'order_dir' => 'desc',
'limit' => 1,

static function count ()
global $db;
return $db->fetch_field(
$db->simple_select('dvz_shoutbox', 'COUNT(*) as n'),

static function shout ($data)
global $mybb, $db;

if ($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_maxlength'] > 0) {
$data['text'] = mb_substr($data['text'], 0, $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_maxlength']);

foreach ($data as &$item) {
$item = $db->escape_string($item);

$data['date'] = TIME_NOW;

return $db->insert_query('dvz_shoutbox', $data);

static function update ($id, $text)
global $db;
return $db->update_query('dvz_shoutbox', [
'text' => $db->escape_string($text),
'modified' => time(),
], 'id=' . (int)$id);

static function banlist_update ($new)
global $db;

$db->update_query('settings', ['value' => $db->escape_string($new)], "name='dvz_sb_blocked_users'");


static function delete ($id)
global $mybb, $db;

if ($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_sync']) {
return $db->update_query('dvz_shoutbox', [
'text' => 'NULL',
'modified' => time(),
], 'id=' . (int)$id, false, true);
} else {
return $db->delete_query('dvz_shoutbox', 'id=' . (int)$id);

static function clear ($days = false)
global $db;

if ($days) {
$where = 'date < ' . ( TIME_NOW - ((int)$days * 86400) );
} else {
$where = false;

return $db->delete_query('dvz_shoutbox', $where);

// permissions
static function is_user ()
global $mybb;
return $mybb->user['uid'] != 0;

static function is_blocked ()
global $mybb;
return in_array($mybb->user['uid'], self::settings_get_csv('blocked_users'));

static function access_view ()
$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_view');
return $array[0] == -1 || is_member($array);

static function access_refresh ()
$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_refresh');
return $array[0] == -1 || is_member($array);

static function access_shout ()
$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_shout');

return (
self::is_user() &&
!self::is_blocked() &&
self::access_mod() ||
self::access_view() &&
self::access_minposts() &&
$array[0] == -1 || is_member($array)

static function access_recall ()
$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_recall');
return $array[0] == -1 || is_member($array);

static function access_mod ()
global $mybb;

$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_mod');

return (
($array[0] == -1 || is_member($array)) ||
($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_supermods'] && $mybb->usergroup['issupermod'])

static function access_mod_own ()
$array = self::settings_get_csv('groups_mod_own');

return $array[0] == -1 || is_member($array);

static function access_minposts ()
global $mybb;
return $mybb->user['postnum'] >= $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_minposts'];

static function can_mod ($shoutId)
global $mybb;

if (self::access_mod()) {
return true;
} else if (self::access_mod_own() && self::access_shout()) {

$data = self::get($shoutId);

if ($data['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid']) {
return true;


return false;


// core
static function render_shout ($data, $static = false)
global $mybb;

$id = $data['id'];
$text = self::parse($data['text'], $data['username']);
$date = htmlspecialchars_uni(my_date($mybb->settings['dvz_sb_dateformat'], $data['date']));
$username = htmlspecialchars_uni($data['username']);
$user = '<a href="member.php?action=profile&uid=' . (int)$data['uid'] . '">' . format_name($username, $data['usergroup'], $data['displaygroup']) . '</a>';
$avatar = '<img src="' . (empty($data['avatar']) ? htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->settings['useravatar']) : htmlspecialchars_uni($data['avatar'])) . '" alt="avatar" />';

$notes = null;
$attributes = null;

$own = $data['uid'] == $mybb->user['uid'];

if ($static) {

if (self::access_mod()) {
$notes .= '<span class="ip">' . my_inet_ntop($data['ipaddress']) . '</span>';

if (
self::access_mod() ||
(self::access_mod_own() && $own)
) {
$notes .= '<a href="" class="mod edit">E</a><a href="" class="mod del">X</a>';


if (
self::access_mod() ||
(self::access_mod_own() && $own)
) {
$attributes .= ' data-mod';

if ($own) {
$attributes .= ' data-own';

return '
<div class="entry" data-id="' . $id . '" data-username="' . $username . '"' . $attributes . '>
<div class="avatar">' . $avatar . '</div>
<div class="user">' . $user . '</div>
<div class="text">' . $text . '</div>
<div class="info">' . $notes . '<span class="date">' . $date . '</span></div>

static function parse ($message, $me_username)
global $mybb;

require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_parser.php';

$parser = new postParser;
$options = [
'allow_mycode' => $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_mycode'],
'allow_smilies' => $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_smilies'],
'allow_imgcode' => 0,
'filter_badwords' => 1,
'me_username' => $me_username,

return $parser->parse_message($message, $options);

static function antiflood_pass ()
global $mybb;
return (
!$mybb->settings['dvz_sb_antiflood'] ||
( TIME_NOW - self::user_last_shout_time($mybb->user['uid']) ) > $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_antiflood']

static function settings_get_csv ($name)
global $mybb;
return array_filter( explode(',', $mybb->settings['dvz_sb_' . $name]) );


RE: Problème DVZ shoutbox - CrazyCat - 09-08-2015

Ton serveur est-il bien en PHP 5.4 (ou plus) ? C'est la version minimale de PHP à avoir pour ta version de ce plugin.

RE: Problème DVZ shoutbox - ThisCraft - 09-08-2015

Je ne sais pas, mais en tout cas, preblème regler, j'ai installer miuna shoutbox

 Utilitaire de traduction fourni par Regentronique