1. IMPORTANT : Nouvelles mesures de sécurité - 2. Règles pour obtenir de l'aide dans les forums de support - 3. Restrictions des droits pour le groupe "Support suspendu"

Il est obligatoire de respecter les Règles de MyBB.fr : Version abrégée ou Version complète pour obtenir du support sur nos forums.

Les membres ayant un site/forum contrevenant aux règles de MyBB.support seront placés dans le groupe "Support suspendu" et ne bénéficieront plus du support du staff. Nous recommandons aux autres membres d'agir de même. Il ne s'agit pas d'un bannissement, le membre retrouvera son statut "normal" dès que sa situation sera conforme aux règles.

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Note de ce sujet :
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[Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Mots-clés » demande, robot, plug-in
30-04-2009, 6:30,
[Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Voila je voudrais savoir si il existé un plug-in qui permet d'avoir un membre (robot) qui a chaque post vulgaire il intervient par la suite ou a chaque présentation il intervient en disant " bonjour ... "

vous voyez se que je veut dire.
merci de votre aide
21-08-2009, 18:01,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Je le cherche aussi :p
10-03-2010, 16:42, (Modification du message : 10-03-2010, 16:43 par Horace.)
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Up ! Je cherche aussi un bots qui dit Bienvenue dans un message données automatiquement.

Un peu comme : http://sundark.eu/forum/
24-03-2010, 14:37,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Up ... !
01-04-2010, 13:33,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
J'avais déjà demander a Sundark,
et il ma répondu :

Code :
"auto post on join mybb" sur google
03-04-2010, 9:21, (Modification du message : 03-04-2010, 9:28 par Horace.)
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Merci je vais cherché avec c'est mot clé.

J'ai trouvé :
Code :

require_once MYBB_ROOT . "/inc/functions_task.php" ;

if(! defined ( "IN_MYBB" ))
die( "This file cannot be opened directly.  Please access it through your admin control panel." );

$page -> add_breadcrumb_item ( "Forum Bot" , "index.php?module=forum/bot" );

$currentBot = $db -> query ( "SELECT uid,username FROM mybb_users WHERE isBot=1" );

if(! $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'action' ]== "selectBot" )
$sub_tabs [ 'mainMenu' ] = array(
'title' => "Main Menu" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot" ,
'description' => "Teh main menu"
$sub_tabs [ 'selectBot' ] = array(
'title' => "Select Bot" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;action=selectBot" ,
'description' => "Select a user to use as a bot.  Please note that the user MUST be in the bot usergroup to be accessible as a bot."
$sub_tabs [ 'scheduleTask' ] = array(
'title' => "Schedule a Post" ,
'link' => "index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;action=postSchedule" ,
'description' => "Schedule or batch schedule posts for the bot to post in the future.  HTML, Javascript, PHP is allowed."

if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "postSchedule" ){


if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "selectBot" )
$page -> output_header ( "Select a bot" );
$page -> output_nav_tabs ( $sub_tabs , 'selectBot' );

$query = $db -> query ( "SELECT username,uid FROM mybb_users WHERE usergroup=14" );

$form_container = new FormContainer ( "Select a user to set as bot." );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( "User" );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( "Choose as bot?" , array( "class" => "align_center" , 'width' => '100px' ));

while( $array = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))

$form_container -> output_cell ( $array [ 'username' ], array( "class" => "align_left" ));

$form_container -> output_cell ( "<a href=\"index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;botChosen=" . $array [ 'uid' ]. "\">USE</a>" , array( "class" => "align_center" ));
$form_container -> construct_row ();

if( $form_container -> num_rows () == 0 )
$form_container -> output_cell ( "There are no users in the bot usergroup.  Sorry!" , array( 'colspan' => 2 ));
$form_container -> construct_row ();

$form_container -> end ();

//$buttons = array();
//$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button($lang->update_groups_order);


/*echo "<br />
<img src="styles/default/images/icons/custom.gif" alt="{$lang->custom_user_group}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->custom_user_group}<br />
<img src="styles/default/images/icons/default.gif" alt="{$lang->default_user_group}" style="vertical-align: middle;" /> {$lang->default_user_group}

$page -> output_footer ();
if( $mybb -> input [ 'botChosen' ]){
$db -> query ( "UPDATE mybb_users SET isBot=0" );
$db -> query ( "UPDATE mybb_users SET isBot=1 WHERE uid=" . $mybb -> input [ 'botChosen' ]);

flash_message ( "User succesfully chosen as bot!" , "success" );
admin_redirect ( "index.php?module=forum/bot" );

if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "do_newthread" && $mybb -> request_method == "post" )
// Verify incoming POST request
verify_post_check ( $mybb -> input [ 'my_post_key' ]);

$username = $currentBot [ 'username' ];
$uid = 173 ; //$currentBot['uid'];
$moveto = intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'moveto' ]);

// Attempt to see if this post is a duplicate or not
if( $uid > 0 )
$user_check = "p.uid='{$uid}'" ;
$user_check = "p.ipaddress='" . $db -> escape_string ( $session -> ipaddress ). "'" ;
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'savedraft' ] && ! $pid )
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "posts p" , "p.pid" , "$user_check AND p.fid='{$forum['fid']}' AND p.subject='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]). "' AND p.message='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]). "' AND p.posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]). "'" );
$duplicate_check = $db -> fetch_field ( $query , "pid" );
if( $duplicate_check )
error ( $lang -> error_post_already_submitted );

// Set up posthandler.
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php" ;
$posthandler = new PostDataHandler ( "insert" );
$posthandler -> action = "thread" ;

// Set the thread data that came from the input to the $thread array.
$new_thread = array(
"fid" => $moveto ,
"subject" => $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ],
"icon" => $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ],
"uid" => $uid ,
"username" => $username ,
"message" => $mybb -> input [ 'message' ],
"ipaddress" => get_ip (),
"posthash" => $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]

if( $pid != '' )
$new_thread [ 'pid' ] = $pid ;

// Are we saving a draft thread?
if( $mybb -> input [ 'savedraft' ] && $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
$new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] = 1 ;
$new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] = 0 ;

// Is this thread already a draft and we're updating it?
if(isset( $thread [ 'tid' ]) && $thread [ 'visible' ] == - 2 )
$new_thread [ 'tid' ] = $thread [ 'tid' ];

// Set up the thread options from the input.
$new_thread [ 'options' ] = array(
"signature" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'signature' ],
"subscriptionmethod" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'subscriptionmethod' ],
"disablesmilies" => $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'disablesmilies' ]

// Apply moderation options if we have them
$new_thread [ 'modoptions' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'modoptions' ];

$posthandler -> set_data ( $new_thread );

// Now let the post handler do all the hard work.
$valid_thread = $posthandler -> validate_thread ();

$post_errors = array();
// Fetch friendly error messages if this is an invalid thread
if(! $valid_thread )
$post_errors = $posthandler -> get_friendly_errors ();

// Check captcha image
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'captchaimage' ] == 1 && function_exists ( "imagepng" ) && ! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
$imagehash = $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'imagehash' ]);
$imagestring = $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'imagestring' ]);
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "captcha" , "*" , "imagehash='$imagehash'" );
$imgcheck = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if( my_strtolower ( $imgcheck [ 'imagestring' ]) != my_strtolower ( $imagestring ) || ! $imgcheck [ 'imagehash' ])
$post_errors [] = $lang -> invalid_captcha ;
$db -> delete_query ( "captcha" , "imagehash='$imagehash'" );
$hide_captcha = true ;

// One or more errors returned, fetch error list and throw to newthread page
if( count ( $post_errors ) > 0 )
$thread_errors = inline_error ( $post_errors );
print_r ( $thread_errors );
//$mybb->input['action'] = "newthread";
// No errors were found, it is safe to insert the thread.
$thread_info = $posthandler -> insert_thread ();
$tid = $thread_info [ 'tid' ];
$visible = $thread_info [ 'visible' ];

// Mark thread as read
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/functions_indicators.php" ;
mark_thread_read ( $tid , $fid );

// We were updating a draft thread, send them back to the draft listing.
if( $new_thread [ 'savedraft' ] == 1 )
$lang -> redirect_newthread = $lang -> draft_saved ;
$url = "usercp.php?action=drafts" ;

// A poll was being posted with this thread, throw them to poll posting page.
else if( $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ] && $forumpermissions [ 'canpostpolls' ])
$url = "polls.php?action=newpoll&tid=$tid&polloptions=" . intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'numpolloptions' ]);
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_poll ;

// This thread is stuck in the moderation queue, send them back to the forum.
else if(! $visible )
// Moderated thread
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_moderation ;
$url = get_forum_link ( $fid );

// This is just a normal thread - send them to it.
// Visible thread
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> redirect_newthread_thread ;
$url = get_thread_link ( $tid );

// Mark any quoted posts so they're no longer selected - attempts to maintain those which weren't selected
if( $mybb -> input [ 'quoted_ids' ] && $mybb -> cookies [ 'multiquote' ] && $mybb -> settings [ 'multiquote' ] != 0 )
// We quoted all posts - remove the entire cookie
if( $mybb -> input [ 'quoted_ids' ] == "all" )
my_unsetcookie ( "multiquote" );

$plugins -> run_hooks ( "newthread_do_newthread_end" );

// Hop to it! Send them to the next page.
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ])
$lang -> redirect_newthread .= $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> redirect_return_forum , get_forum_link ( $fid ));
redirect ( $url , $lang -> redirect_newthread );

if(! $mybb -> input [ 'action' ])
$forumselect = build_forum_jump ( "" , '' , 1 , '' , 0 , true , '' , "moveto" );

$page -> output_header ( "Create a post or thread w/ the bot" );
$page -> output_nav_tabs ( $sub_tabs , 'mainMenu' );

$form_container = new FormContainer ( $lang -> user_groups );
$form_container -> output_row_header ( $lang -> group );

$query = $db -> simple_select ( "usergroups" , "*" , "" , array( 'order_by' => 'disporder' ));

$form_container -> output_cell ( "Please use the form below to create a post for the bot.  Please note that the bot CAN post in HTML, Javascript, and PHP.  Do not intentionally use this in a way that it is bad for the user.  Your staff membership will be revoked if you do." );
$form_container -> construct_row ();

$form_container -> end ();

// Check the various post options if we're
// a -> previewing a post
// b -> removing an attachment
// c -> adding a new attachment
// d -> have errors from posting

if( $mybb -> input [ 'previewpost' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'attachmentaid' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'newattachment' ] || $thread_errors )
$postoptions = $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ];
if( $postoptions [ 'signature' ] == 1 )
$postoptionschecked [ 'signature' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $postoptions [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == "none" )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
else if( $postoptions [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == "instant" )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_instant = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $postoptions [ 'disablesmilies' ] == 1 )
$postoptionschecked [ 'disablesmilies' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $mybb -> input [ 'postpoll' ] == 1 )
$postpollchecked = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$numpolloptions = intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'numpolloptions' ]);
// Otherwise, this is our initial visit to this page.
if( $mybb -> user [ 'signature' ] != '' )
$postoptionschecked [ 'signature' ] = " checked=\"checked\"" ;
if( $mybb -> user [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == 1 )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_none = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
else if( $mybb -> user [ 'subscriptionmethod' ] == 2 )
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_instant = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$postoptions_subscriptionmethod_dont = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$numpolloptions = "2" ;

// If we're preving a post then generate the preview.
if( $mybb -> input [ 'previewpost' ])
// Set up posthandler.
require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/datahandlers/post.php" ;
$posthandler = new PostDataHandler ( "insert" );
$posthandler -> action = "thread" ;

// Set the thread data that came from the input to the $thread array.
$new_thread = array(
"fid" => moveto ,
"subject" => $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ],
"icon" => $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ],
"uid" => $uid ,
"username" => $username ,
"message" => $mybb -> input [ 'message' ],
"ipaddress" => get_ip (),
"posthash" => $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]

if( $pid != '' )
$new_thread [ 'pid' ] = $pid ;

$posthandler -> set_data ( $new_thread );

// Now let the post handler do all the hard work.
$valid_thread = $posthandler -> verify_message ();
$valid_subject = $posthandler -> verify_subject ();

$post_errors = array();
// Fetch friendly error messages if this is an invalid post
if(! $valid_thread || ! $valid_subject )
$post_errors = $posthandler -> get_friendly_errors ();

// One or more errors returned, fetch error list and throw to newreply page
if( count ( $post_errors ) > 0 )
$thread_errors = inline_error ( $post_errors );
$query = $db -> query ( "
SELECT u.*, f.*
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "users u
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfields f ON (f.ufid=u.uid)
WHERE u.uid='" . $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. "'
" );
$post = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if(! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ] || ! $post [ 'username' ])
$post [ 'username' ] = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'username' ]);
$post [ 'userusername' ] = $mybb -> user [ 'username' ];
$post [ 'username' ] = $mybb -> user [ 'username' ];
$previewmessage = $mybb -> input [ 'message' ];
$post [ 'message' ] = $previewmessage ;
$post [ 'subject' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ];
$post [ 'icon' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'icon' ];
$post [ 'smilieoff' ] = $postoptions [ 'disablesmilies' ];
$post [ 'dateline' ] = TIME_NOW ;
$post [ 'includesig' ] = $mybb -> input [ 'postoptions' ][ 'signature' ];
if( $post [ 'includesig' ] != 1 )
$post [ 'includesig' ] = 0 ;

// Fetch attachments assigned to this post
if( $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ])
$attachwhere = "pid='" . intval ( $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ]). "'" ;
$attachwhere = "posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]). "'" ;

$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "*" , $attachwhere );
while( $attachment = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))
$attachcache [ 0 ][ $attachment [ 'aid' ]] = $attachment ;

$postbit = build_postbit ( $post , 1 );
eval( "\$preview = \"" . $templates -> get ( "previewpost" ). "\";" );
$message = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]);
$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]);

// Removing an attachment or adding a new one, or showing thread errors.
else if( $mybb -> input [ 'attachmentaid' ] || $mybb -> input [ 'newattachment' ] || $thread_errors )
$message = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'message' ]);
$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni ( $mybb -> input [ 'subject' ]);

// Setup a unique posthash for attachment management
if(! $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ] && $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] != "editdraft" )
mt_srand ((double) microtime () * 1000000 );
$posthash = md5 ( $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. mt_rand ());
$posthash = htmlspecialchars ( $mybb -> input [ 'posthash' ]);

// Can we disable smilies or are they disabled already?
if( $forum [ 'allowsmilies' ] != 0 )
eval( "\$disablesmilies = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newthread_disablesmilies" ). "\";" );
$disablesmilies = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"postoptions[disablesmilies]\" value=\"no\" />" ;

$modoptions = $mybb -> input [ 'modoptions' ];
if( $modoptions [ 'closethread' ] == 1 )
$closecheck = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$closecheck = '' ;
if( $modoptions [ 'stickthread' ] == 1 )
$stickycheck = "checked=\"checked\"" ;
$stickycheck = '' ;
unset( $modoptions );
eval( "\$modoptions = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newreply_modoptions" ). "\";" );
$bgcolor = "trow1" ;
$bgcolor2 = "trow2" ;

if( $forumpermissions [ 'canpostattachments' ] != 0 )
{ // Get a listing of the current attachments, if there are any
$attachcount = 0 ;
if( $mybb -> input [ 'action' ] == "editdraft" || ( $mybb -> input [ 'tid' ] && $mybb -> input [ 'pid' ]))
$attachwhere = "pid='$pid'" ;
$attachwhere = "posthash='" . $db -> escape_string ( $posthash ). "'" ;
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "*" , $attachwhere );
$attachments = '' ;
while( $attachment = $db -> fetch_array ( $query ))
$attachment [ 'size' ] = get_friendly_size ( $attachment [ 'filesize' ]);
$attachment [ 'icon' ] = get_attachment_icon ( get_extension ( $attachment [ 'filename' ]));
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'bbcodeinserter' ] != 0 && $forum [ 'allowmycode' ] != 0 && (! $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ] || $mybb -> user [ 'showcodebuttons' ] != 0 ))
eval( "\$postinsert = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment_postinsert" ). "\";" );
$attach_mod_options = '' ;
if( $attachment [ 'visible' ] != 1 )
eval( "\$attachments .= \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment_unapproved" ). "\";" );
eval( "\$attachments .= \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_attachment" ). "\";" );
$attachcount ++;
$query = $db -> simple_select ( "attachments" , "SUM(filesize) AS ausage" , "uid='" . $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ]. "'" );
$usage = $db -> fetch_array ( $query );
if( $usage [ 'ausage' ] > ( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ]* 1024 ) && $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ] != 0 )
$noshowattach = 1 ;
if( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ] == 0 )
$friendlyquota = $lang -> unlimited ;
$friendlyquota = get_friendly_size ( $mybb -> usergroup [ 'attachquota' ]* 1024 );
$friendlyusage = get_friendly_size ( $usage [ 'ausage' ]);
$lang -> attach_quota = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> attach_quota , $friendlyusage , $friendlyquota );
if( $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ] == 0 || ( $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ] != 0 && $attachcount < $mybb -> settings [ 'maxattachments' ]) && ! $noshowattach )
eval( "\$newattach = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments_new" ). "\";" );
eval( "\$attachbox = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_attachments" ). "\";" );

$bgcolor = alt_trow ();

if( $mybb -> user [ 'uid' ])
eval( "\$savedraftbutton = \"" . $templates -> get ( "post_savedraftbutton" , 1 , 0 ). "\";" );
$lang -> max_options = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> max_options , $mybb -> settings [ 'maxpolloptions' ]);
eval( "\$pollbox = \"" . $templates -> get ( "newthread_postpoll" ). "\";" );

$forum [ 'name' ] = strip_tags ( $forum [ 'name' ]);
$lang -> newthread_in = $lang -> sprintf ( $lang -> newthread_in , $forum [ 'name' ]);

/*Page HTML*/
$posticons = get_post_icons ();
$codebuttons = build_mycode_inserter ();

$pageHTML = "
<form action=\"index.php?module=forum/bot&amp;do_newthread\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"input\">
Please select a forum to post in:  {$forumselect}<br /><br />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"my_post_key\" value=\"{$mybb->post_code}\" />
<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"{$theme['borderwidth']}\" cellpadding=\"{$theme['tablespace']}\" class=\"tborder\">
<td class=\"thead\" colspan=\"2\"><strong>Create a new thread:</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" width=\"20%\"><strong>Thread Subject</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"subject\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"85\" value=\"{$subject}\" tabindex=\"1\" /></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" valign=\"top\"><strong>Message Body</strong>{$smilieinserter}</td>
<td class=\"trow2\">
<textarea name=\"message\" id=\"message\" rows=\"20\" cols=\"70\" tabindex=\"2\">{$message}</textarea>
<td class=\"trow1\" valign=\"top\"><strong>Post Options:</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow1\"><span class=\"smalltext\">
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postoptions[signature]\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"7\"{$postoptionschecked['signature']} /> Include Signature</label>
<br />
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postoptions[disablesmilies]\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"9\"{$postoptionschecked['disablesmilies']} /> Disable Smilies</label></span></td>
<td class=\"trow2\" valign=\"top\"><strong>{$lang->mod_options}</strong></td>
<td class=\"trow2\"><span class=\"smalltext\">
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[closethread]\" value=\"1\"{$closecheck} /> Close Thread<sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></label><br />
<label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"modoptions[stickthread]\" value=\"1\"{$stickycheck} /> Stick Thread<sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></sup></label>
<td class=\"{$bgcolor2}\" valign=\"top\">
<strong>{$lang->poll}</strong><br /><span class=\"smalltext\">{$lang->poll_desc}</span>
<td class=\"{$bgcolor2}\" valign=\"top\">
<span class=\"smalltext\"><label><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"checkbox\" name=\"postpoll\" value=\"1\" {$postpollchecked} /><strong>Post Poll</strong><sup><a href=\"#1\">1</a></label><br />
Number of Options: <input type=\"text\" class=\"textbox\" name=\"numpolloptions\" value=\"{$numpolloptions}\" size=\"10\" /> Max Options</span>
<br />
<br />
<sup><a name=\"1\">1</a> - Pressently, this function of the bot doesn't work.
<div style=\"text-align:center\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Post Thread\" tabindex=\"4\" accesskey=\"s\" /></div>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"do_newthread\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"posthash\" value=\"{$posthash}\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attachmentaid\" value=\"\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"attachmentact\" value=\"\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"quoted_ids\" value=\"{$quoted_ids}\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tid\" value=\"{$tid}\" />
</form>" ;

output_page ( $pageHTML );

$page -> output_footer ();

Mais je le met ou ? Dans un fichier .php, puis dans l'emplacement des plugins ?
06-04-2010, 10:00,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
UP ! Marche pas !

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
1054 - Unknown column 'isBot' in 'where clause'
SELECT uid,username FROM mybb_users WHERE isBot=1
08-04-2010, 15:57,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Désoler de te dire sa,

Mais ce plugin à étais retirés car il buger beaucoup trop.


26-08-2010, 11:00,
RE: [Demande] Robot [Plug-in]
Quelqu'un connait-il ce plugin ?

Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 8 visiteur(s)

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